Angela AndersonChristian LivingUncategorized

It Begins With Me

“Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people.” Luke 2:52 NLT

It seems like yesterday I was holding my newborn sons in my arms. Now as I am reminiscing, my youngest son is age three and the oldest is eight years of age. So much has happened over the years that it seems like a blur. I am thankful that I took countless photos of them and that their milestones are recorded in a baby journal.

More important than photos, videos, journals, and scrapbooks are the moments spent with my sons in prayer. I started praying for my sons while they were still in the womb. I knew that God had something special in store for our family and I wanted to be sure that my sons’ lives were in line with the plans of their Creator. When my sons were born, I prayed right there on the spot and I continue to pray with them every morning and every night. While they are sleeping, I sneak into their bedroom and quietly breathe a mother’s prayer over both of my sons. I ask God to protect them from evil as they develop; grant them wisdom, favor and discernment to make the right decisions in life. I pray that God will show my sons their purpose in this life and that one day my sons will whole-heartedly receive Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. 

Recently, it occurred to me that I should be praying just as fervently for myself and the life that I am leading as a parent. Praying over my sons is definitely a necessity, but what kind of example would I be if I am not covered in prayer? I cannot effectively make a disciple if I am not an effective disciple. As a parent, I am quickly learning that children will do what they see more than what they are told. I can tell my sons not to throw an object, while they are taking mental notes as I unconsciously toss my shoes into the closet. As trivial as this may seem, it equates to circumstances on a larger scale later in their lives such as the words I speak, the manner in which I treat others, my attitude in my home, and my relationship with God. I pray that as my sons grow into men, they pattern their lives after Jesus. I also pray that when my sons look at me, they see Jesus living in me and working through me. I am so glad that Jesus covers me and stands in the gap where I fall short. It begins with me.

Dear God, I thank you for the privilege of being a parent and I ask you for wisdom and discernment as I raise my children to be Your disciples. May I not be a hindrance but an example of Your love. Lead me as I lead my children. I dedicate our lives to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.