Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

July 21, 2020

LadyBug, have you ever just dug deep into the study of Abraham’s faith? We know that Abraham was actually the first Hebrew from which God’s people would rise from. He was the ancestor of the Savior. We all know how he came to have his sons. But when I think of Abraham and his faith, I am reminded of how much faith he had to have to lead Isaac up the mountain as a sacrifice. As they are walking up the mountain, Isaac was carrying the wood that would be used on the altar. I found it so interesting that this young man was carrying the wood that was intended to be used when he was sacrificed. Then as we read on, we see that Abraham speaks faithfully about God providing the lamb. Yet, when they arrived at the altar, Abraham proceeded with offering Isaac as a sacrifice. But God, had other plans when he seen that Abraham was trusting in him and had enough faith to be obedient.
Oh what faith Abraham had as he led that little boy up the mountain. Do we have that faith? Do we trust God enough to lay something so valuable as a child on the altar? It was then that God provided the lamb for the sacrifice. I have come to a place in my journey where I had to trust God and just step out of the forest and into the valley. Not the same as a sacrifice, but still I had to learn to trust God with providing what we need.
Sometimes, faith means we carry our own wood and other times it means someone carries it for us. Either way, we know that God will provide when we follow Him in obedience and not obligation.

~Cyndi Kay

Genesis 22:1-14
Luke 12:24
Matthew 6:31-32