Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

July 23, 2020

You know LadyBug, I think the most gracious thing about God is the fact that He doesn’t change. In a world where everything changes and people are not always who they say they are, having a God that is constant in His love, grace and mercy is so refreshing.
When we cannot count on ourselves to know the right direction, God is constantly there to guide us. When people let us down, God is right there to lift us up. When pain comes in the form of seeing so much violence between the people of this nation, God is there to remind us that He has the victory. He will not change His mind about us or what value we hold to him. He is not a God who will change the story of our salvation. He is a constant friend when we feel alone, and He is a constant soft place to land when we are weary. He doesn’t change His mind about loving us in the middle of our messes. He will always be there to clean it away. There is no place we can go that will make Him change His mind about staying beside us. What a wonderful thing to have in a world full of chaos and uncertainty.
LadyBug, as you walk throughout your day today, know that God is constant in your life no matter where you may be.
~Cyndi Kay
Hebrews 13:8
Psalm 102:27
1 Peter 1:23
Psalm 40:11