Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

July 6, 2020

Precious LadyBugs, God wants you to know that when He is correcting you, it is because He loves you! He always wants what is best for you and sometimes that means He has to say “not today my Daughter.”
It’s not because He does not want you to have the desires of your heart, on the contrary. He actually wants to give you something better than your heart’s desire. In all honesty, sometimes your heart’s desire and your dreams do not line up with His word or His vision for you. That is when it seems like He has changed the game on you. But in reality, He has moved you over into His plans and is placing you on the path of His vision for your life.
There was a time when I thought I had everything worked out. I was on my way to serving God and I had it planned out how to serve, when to serve and what to do to serve. Don’t get me wrong. I was doing good things the best way I knew how, but the problem was I was doing them in the hopes that it would be what He wanted for my life. It was like I felt I had finally proved myself. But consequently, I was not walking in the plans He had for my life. I was not concentrating on my writing. I was not heeding His call. So, I was not moved into a what I thought was a better place of servitude. My heart broke and I felt like I would never be good enough. It took me years to get myself out of the way. When I finally did, I was able to hear God and the vision He has for me.
LadyBug, don’t be dismayed when God says “no” or “not today.” Instead, be still and listen for His voice to direct you. Remember, every good and wonderful gift comes from the Father. He will not give you less than He feels you deserve. He will, however, ALWAYS, give you the best you could ever hope for.
~Cyndi Kay
Proverbs 10:17
Job 5:17-18
Psalm 94:12-14
Hebrews 12:5-9
Proverbs 12:1