Kate NashLove Your Neighbor Challenge

Love Your Neighbor Challenge — Day 6

What does love look like? Love gets close.
It’s so easy to hate the “other” side. It’s simple to discredit people who don’t look like you, believe like you, or speak the same language. But isn’t it funny that when you get to know individuals who vote differently, worship differently, or come from different backgrounds, it’s harder to paint them as the enemy.
Jesus said that we are to love our enemies and our neighbors. He said we are to repay those who want to harm us or say bad things about us with good. Getting to know them is a powerful first step. Who in your world believes differently than you? How can you get to know that person a bit better?

Join our month-long Love Your Neighbor Challenge! This has the power to change your world.

Check out the blog at He Makes Me New.
Participate in the Facebook group for this challenge.