Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

June 11, 2020

Let the dry bones come alive and dance. Watch, as God brings you up from the dirt and gives you life. Can you feel the joy of being alive in Christ? Dance Lady Bug, knowing that your bones are alive with the breath of Christ. Dance all those who are shaken too because God said “Live!” Ah, come to life you army of God! Come to life. No more have you been exiled live and dance. Rejoice in the breath of God. Do not let your temple be filled with dry bones. Though beauty is on the outside, you are dry and brittle on the inside. Seek the life-giving breath of the Lord that you may be made whole on the inside. Let your stature reflect the love that God has for you. Do this so that you may be able to stand tall and strong against the adversary. The breath of God will be your strength as your dry bones come to life.
This life given to us through the blood of Christ. In the salvation of the cross, our bones are no longer dry. The Holy Spirit has filled our bones with life and joy so that we may become hope to those who are longing to revive their dry bones. We are made alive because Jesus is alive. Though He was crucified, He lives!
Ezekiel 37:1-11
Psalm 149:1-4
Romans 8:11
1 Corinthians 15:22