Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

June 15, 2020

Have you ever been in a place where you need to be drenched in Grace? You feel like you are just maneuvering through life in a haphazard mentality that brings you no hope. You know you are saved and you know God is true to His promises; yet, you find yourself longing to feel that love of God wash over you in ways that you know only He can touch your heart.
As women, we tend to get caught up in our feelings and emotions. Not that men do not do the same thing, but honestly LadyBugs, I think women are more inclined to note our emotions more quickly. Maybe it’s because we think we have to make sure life’s adventures play out without a hiccup. We get little girls to dance lessons and little boys to some type of sport activity. We gather the laundry, cook the meals, take care of the abode and then make sure we spend quality time with our kiddos and husband. Amid all of this, we sometimes forget to add our self-time in to the mix. I am not talking about our daily quiet time with God and His word. I am talking about those moment where you sit in a comfy chair, close your eyes and just breath. I take myself to my Garden of Grace. It’s a corner in the house that I can go to and just exhale while I inhale the love of God. I let Him shower me with hope, peace, love, strength or whatever else I need to take in at that moment.
LadyBug, take yourself to your Garden of Grace and see that the Lord is good and kind. Let Him shower you with love as you breath in His fresh, sweet air.
Psalm 46:10
James 4:8
Matthew 6:6
Hebrews 13:9
Psalm 62:1