Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

June 30, 2020

Have you ever been at that point in your life where you must take that step into the land that God has given you as a promise? You know, that calling or new place that God is taking you? It could be a new career, new home, new church, new school, or any other place of change in your life. It is a hard place to stand. Our flesh becomes fearful of not getting it right or missing the mark. We get a bit self-focused in thinking that we can change anything about the land. The only thing we can change is whether or not we follow God’s direction.

How often we forget the promises that God has made us concerning these times. Remember in Exodus 23 where God is telling the Israelites that He will send an angel before them? God was promising them that if they followed the Angel and did what was instructed, then God would clear the land of their enemies. However, there were some stipulations, so to speak. They had to obey the voice of the Angel and not provoke him.

Our flesh likes to make things complicated. All we are asked to do is a few simple things. Listen to that heavenly voice, serve the Lord and follow God’s instruction. When we are doing as He has asked, He promises to move the enemy out of your promised land.
Let the Angel of the Lord be your guiding voice my LadyBugs.
~Cyndi Kay
Exodus 23:20-33
Joshua 23:5
Deuteronomy 7:1-6