Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

June 7, 2020

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I am a jeans and boots kind of girl. Give me a good pair of Tuff Gurl jeans and nice pair of boots and I am set. As I was organizing notes, I came across one that simply stated, “he wrote his name on my boot.” I remember watching Toy Story and how Andy wrote his name on the bottom of Woody’s boot. This let Woody know that he belonged to someone and that he always had a home.
Much like Andy claiming Woody by writing his name on his boot, God has done the same thing. He has our name in the palm of His hand. The bottom of my boot says GOD. I know where I belong. I know that I am always loved by God and because of His mercy and grace, I will always have a place to call “home”.
God wants to sign your boot LadyBug! He wants to let everyone know that you are His precious daughter and that He loves you beyond any depth of love we can ever imagine.

Isaiah 49:16
1 Corinthians 3:23
Psalm 73:23