Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

November 10, 2020

But if we walk in the light, and he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. 1 John 1:7 (ESV)

We all know that God is the light of the world and that this light is where we find life. When we choose Him, we choose life and we come into fellowship with Jesus. As we come into this fellowship with Jesus, we come into fellowship with other believers. This is where we become the church that will share His light and His love. We can rejoice because we have been given the opportunity to choose His light. God never intended for us to be apart from Him. He created the world so that we could walk and talk with Him; but that was changed when the enemy spewed lies and doubt in the garden. But God, in His loving kindness, still chose us! Glory! He still wants to have a relationship with each of us! That, my sister, is why we are able to walk in the light of Jesus and fellowship with each other in His presence.

Oh how precious is the light of the world. How can we choose anything else?

LadyBug I am so blessed to be able to walk this journey in fellowship with you!

Let us choose life and light as we journey through these turbulent times.

Light of the World
You stepped down into darkness
Open my eyes
Let me see
Beauty that made
This heart adore You
Hope of a life
Spent with You
Here I am to Worship
~Michael W. Smith

Much Love,
~Cyndi Kay