Goodness & Grace DevotionalKerry S. Teravskis


Growing up in Huntington Beach, I loved the beach from the start. The smell of the ocean, the bright sun overhead and the blazing hot sand as you walk from the car to the water.

Upon entering the water, the first wave to roll over your feet refreshes instantly, removing the stressors of life. The salt air, the sea gulls squawking and the laughter of children playing in the waves – a day at the beach is as delightful as it sounds.

There’s body surfing, boogey boarding, or long board surfing. Or splashing around – options abound at the beach. Once one gets water-logged, and is ready for some sand time, then there’s volleyball, soaking up the sun, hitting the snack shack or tossing around a frisbee.

Once the early afternoon rolls around, if you are staying for the evening, it would be time to look for a fire ring to be ready for the cook-out on the beach complete with hot dogs, s’mores, and sandy chips.

Many of my favorite memories were made at the beach and I still enjoy it. The water, the sand, and the sun. Even thinking of it brings a smile to my face as I remember the many hours spent at the beach. I can still feel the water washing over me as I cooled off in the salty water. Wave after wave crashing over me.

God’s mercies are like these waves. Especially seen in the verb tense used by the author of Psalm 119. He asks God to let His mercies (notice it is plural) come to him, not just once, but continually. Over and over. A multitude of mercy. Repeated unfailing love of God coming unto us.

Wow. Amazing. And, yes, please. Sign me up.

Mercy can be defined as unmerited favor. Something given we did not deserve. And God’s mercy is this. We are born to wrath as we are born sinners (Ephesians 2;3). The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Because of the original sin in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3, we cannot escape the realities of sin. We are all sinners needing God’s mercy and salvation.

The writer of Psalm 119 recognized this fact and he cries out to God. His need can only be found and met in the LORD. Only God has the mercy which can save and satisfy.

There is no name under heaven by which men can be saved. Acts 4:12

How did God demonstrate His mercy? By sending His Son, Jesus, to earth to be the required righteous sacrifice for sin. Before Jesus, to fulfill the Law, one day was set aside for reconciling the requirement – the Day of Atonement. One day per year for Israel to have her sin atoned for (to be made right before God).

But with the advent of Jesus, the righteous requirements of the Law were met in Him. He gave all so we might have all in God. God washed His mercy over mankind, and continues to do so.

It is through His love for us this mercy is extended. To bathe in this mercy as one bathes in the ocean is sublime. To rest in the knowledge, it is here for us, at any moment, and that, in multiplied goodness. Oh, the riches of God. His love, His grace. His kindness. His faithfulness.

In need of mercy? Feeling chased by the enemy or tired of running from sin? Call out to God for His mercies to wash over you. They will. And they will continue. Repeatedly.

Enjoy His mercy. His favor. Take the time to feel them as you would feel the saltwater washing over you. Look up to His face as you embrace His goodness for you. Let Him shine His face on you and give you peace (Numbers 6:24-26).

Father God, Your mercies are great. Overwhelming even. And they are for me. Thank You for this incredible gift. I need this gift. Continually as much as I need to breathe. I desire them as well as Your salvation – You Son Jesus, who has given His life for me. I am in awe of this great love You have for me.