Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

October 18, 2020

Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like truth. Ephesians 4:14 (NLT)

Oh, how common is it now day for us to be faced with the wonder truth in what we hear? We listen to the media and try to discern where the truth lies in all the news we hear or read. It has become a daily test to fully understand our once trusted network news stations because there is so much division in the world.

In his letter to the church at Ephesus, Paul is reassuring them that since they have reached spiritual maturity and won’t easily be swayed by the “winds” of new doctrines. He also encourages them that as they grow, they will be able to withstand the untruths of those who would like to manipulate them.

It is a new society in which we live. We are in a world that is so overwhelmed with technology, there is very little in our lives that utilizes the easiness of touch buttons and voice commands. The leading technological device is our cell phones. Because of them, we are able to search, read, listen, and even record news from any media company in the world. We can hear the local news in Italy just like it was our local station. It is this quick access that makes it so easy for those who seek to deceive us to be heard. They are able to “stream” their “news” in a way that it will come across our “newsfeed” even when we aren’t looking.

LadyBug stand firm in your faith and maturity in Christ as you face people with an agenda to teach new doctrine. Take heed of your spirit woman and discern what you are hearing.
Let us be slow to embrace the quickness of technology and quick to be still and listen for the voice of truth.
Much Love,
~Cyndi Kay