Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

September 27, 2020

So when the apostles were with Jesus, they kept asking him, “Lord, has the time come for you to free Israel and restore your kingdom? Acts 1:6 (NLT)

There are a few things we can get from this verse. We see that the apostles ask about the RESTORATION of the kingdom. In order for something to be restored, it had to be taken away or lost or broken. Therefore, these guys knew that the Kingdom of God had once existed with Israel. We also see that the disciples knew it was coming. They believed that Jesus was going to set up a new Kingdom. However, what they didn’t see, was what it was going to look like. They believed He was going to go away to prepare a place, but they didn’t know what that leaving would look like. They also knew that Israel would once again be free, but they had no idea when it would happen. They were walking with Jesus, so they held to His words. They did this because they loved Him, and they trusted Him. Yet, they did not fully understand all that was going to come to pass.

We too love and believe Jesus. We trust Him to prepare a place for us with the Father. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be disciples. If we didn’t have hope that Jesus was always near us to hear our pleas and intercede for us to the Father, we would not pray. We get so stuck on what will happen when, that we don’t allow Jesus to lead us in our lives. We know that there are souls who are lost and in need of the love of God, yet we keep asking if it is the right time to go and minister. We know that Jesus is coming, but we are still waiting to hear if we should talk to so and so over there and let them know that even though they were in the bar last night, Jesus still loves them enough to die for them. We will never know the exact plans that God has for us, but we do know that we were created for a purpose and if nothing else, sharing the Gospel and the love of God is something we can be doing right now.

LadyBug know that you are the very woman that God needs to use so that someone can see what restoration, grace, mercy, and love look like.

Let us seek to do the work of the Kingdom and not focus on when God will work His plan.

Much Love
~Cyndi Kay