Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

July 18, 2020

There was a time when I believed that if I did not memorize so many scriptures in a week, then I was failing as a Christian. I just knew that if I could not recite a scripture every time, I tried to minister to someone then I was going to fail at everything that God would ask of me. Oh, how wrong I was.
You see, I was depending on myself to have the ability to recall scripture on a whim. I was so caught up in memorizing scripture, that I forgot what it was all about. Memorizing scripture will help me remember it, but in order to truly know it, I need to spend time in the word. I need to have heart knowledge and not just head knowledge. In order to get the word in my heart, I have to do more than just read it. I should be praying it and singing it. Speaking the Word gets it out there where it is heard. That is how we go from head knowledge to heart knowledge.
Studying the Word is a great place to start getting it into your heart. But quiet time is more than just reading and taking a few notes. We have to dwell on what we have read or wrote in our notebooks. Ponder the words that have touched your heart in a way that you find yourself saying “Oh, that is new!”
Do not just let the words flow through your mind. Let the Word paint its picture upon the canvas of your soul.
~Cyndi Kay
Isaiah 26:3
Philippians 4:8
Proverbs 4:20-22
Psalm 119-97-99