Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

July 24, 2020

Have you ever known that feeling of knowing that you are supposed to be going in a certain direction, but you are yet unsure of how to proceed? Do not feel alone, LadyBug. We have all been there at some point in our lives. Even Moses was at the point where he knew the instructions that God was giving. Moses knew that God was instructing him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, yet Moses doubted that he could go forward without the presence of God. You see, Moses did not want to go anywhere that God’s favor was not seen on himself or God’s people. Now Moses wasn’t thinking this in a way that would seem boastful; on the contrary, he was wanting to be set apart according to the glory of God.
Sometimes we know the instructions we have, but we are so worried that God’s presence won’t go with us that we stay still in a land that is not what we were promised. We cannot risk losing the presence of God just because we doubt our ability to walk in our journey that God has planned before we were even a thought in the eyes of our parents. We must know in our hearts that when God calls us to move in a certain direction, He already has the plan in motion.
When I knew He was setting a new direction in front of me, I was overwhelmed with concern as to whether or not I was hearing Him correctly. I sure didn’t want to quit my job if He wasn’t going to quit it with me! It was a provision for our home and I just couldn’t see us doing without that income. But God! As I got myself in line with His direction, I began to see the provisions coming into our house. I have seen so much favor and blessings that I am grateful every day.
When I started this part of my journey, I remembered this request of Moses. I, just like Moses, told God that I did not want to go without Him. I don’t ever want to move into a place where God is not present.
Seek Him in all things and you too shall be blessed.
~Cyndi Kay
Exodus 33:12-17
Matthew 6:33
Jeremiah 29:13