Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

September 2, 2020

Isn’t it so amazing how God has a lesson in every aspect of His Word? Today we go to Genesis chapter 2 for our hope. Up to this point, we read how God had created everything and rested on the seventh day. So here we are in chapter two and we learn about the river that flowed FROM the land of Eden into the Garden in order to provide water for the vegetation and animals. God is not a haphazard God and nothing He has done is by pure coincidence. Not only that but everything He has done, does and will do ultimately has a lesson for us to learn. He has something new for us each time we meet with Him in His Word. Just like the angels who circle Him in heaven see something new each time they pass around Him.

So, we read in verse 10 that a river flowed into the Garden and then on the outside, branched off into four rivers. I have read this many times, yet here is a new nugget for us today. Just as he made sure there was water to sustain the life of the Garden, He has also made sure that there is life-giving water to sustain us. How glorious is that? I mean here we are at the beginning of this wonderful story and He is already telling us that He will sustain us, and we will not thirst. Just like the river brought forth new and fresh fruit, so will the life-giving water that comes from Jesus. As we drink the life-giving water of the Holy Spirit, we will see the fruit of our spirit grow and become life-giving to others. God cares enough about us to give us a never-ending supply of life-giving water.

LadyBug, we have the living water flowing through so that we will not thirst for the never satisfying water of the world. Just like the days of creation, God still has a plan for sustaining His creations. He put the plan in place long before the world understood the living water of Jesus. That is how much He cares for us.

Let us drink the living water and know that it is life-sustaining in all things.

~Cyndi Kay

Genesis 2:10-14