Christian LivingHealthMelissa Henderson

Walking and Praying

“Are you ready to go for a walk?” My husband and I ask each other this question on a daily basis. We enjoy taking walks together and often hold hands while taking our stroll through the neighborhood. Walking is vital to our health. My husband Alan is able to participate in vigorous exercise classes. Due to arthritis in my neck and spine, I have to find exercises that will help and not add further damage to my body.

One of the exercises that I find helpful is walking. With the step monitor wrapped around my wrist and a bottle of water ready to quench my thirst, I’m ready for walking around the block one or more times. Our neighborhood has wonderful sidewalks. Safety is important. Early mornings and late afternoons have less humidity during the summer. The lowcountry of South Carolina is filled with steamy hot days and nights. Choosing the best time to walk is important.

Walking offers a great opportunity to meet neighbors, chat with friends and strangers, listen to the laughter of children playing games outside, and to enjoy God’s creations. From seeing beautiful azaleas blooming, watching hummingbirds at feeders, viewing white puffy clouds or noticing the bright blue sky, God gives us many sights to enjoy.

God also provides many sounds to notice. Woodpeckers pecking holes in tall pine trees, ducks quacking as they fly overhead, gentle winds blowing in the bushes and much more. Being alert for the sights and sounds from God is truly amazing.

Another special part of walking is that we have the ability to pray as we walk. Sometimes, Alan and I pray out loud, asking for each family in the neighborhood to be safe and healthy. Other times, we pray silently and lift each family up to God. 
When I go to God in prayer, I feel His presence. I pray and ask for the people and animals in each home to be covered with His love and glory. If I have learned of special prayer requests, I can lift up those needs to God as the walk continues. Health issues, relationship struggles, faith concerns, and more are all given to God.

Walking and praying. Walking is good for the body. Praying is good for the body, mind, and soul. Whether you walk at a fast pace or a leisurely stroll, there is a wonderful opportunity to draw closer to God.

Have you taken a walk in your neighborhood lately? What did you see? Did you have prayer time while you walked?

Blessings and Prayers,
Melissa Henderson

12 thoughts on “Walking and Praying

    • Me, too. Walking helps me draw closer to God and to get my thoughts in the right direction. 🙂

  • I enjoy walking, too. I love to see God’s creation and appreciate the beauty.

  • I keep saying I need a regular walking routine, but have yet to start. Thank you for the reminder!

    • My husband and I enjoy taking walks. The temps are cooler in the evenings now, so the walks are even more enjoyable. 🙂

  • I love this post! And I, too love walking and praying. It fills my lungs with God’s fresh air and fills my heart with His presence, as I often pray as I walk. God bless you and Alan and may you enjoy your walk today!

  • We saw leaves very slowly changing today. It’s very late for us in Pennsylvania this year. Walking is great exercise–physically and spiritually.

    • I love watching the leaves changing colors. Beautiful! Have a blessed day! 🙂

  • Jessica Brodie

    Love this. Walking opens my mind and is a wonderful way to ensure I am open to hearing God’s voice. I love walking and praying. And honestly, I don’t do it enough. Thanks for the encouragement to do this MORE!

    • Thank you Jessica. Walking and praying is one of my favorite parts of the day. Have a blessed day! 🙂

  • I love being outdoors and walking. And praying adds those special moments with God. I’ve been on “planned” prayer walks where it was a part of a particular ministry effort in neighborhoods, at a school, and so on. But there’s nothing quite like praying to our heavenly Father to increase our intimacy with Him.

    • I agree with you Karen. There’s nothing like praying to our heavenly Father and growing closer in our walk with Him. Have a blessed day! 🙂

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