Self-CareSheila Daniel

When You Need a Break

I straightened my desk, turned off the lights, and walked out of my home office, releasing the tears I had been holding back for days. Another day with nothing accomplished, and no one to blame but myself.  

This is a battle I’ve fought off and on for years. The battle between my ever present to do list and my tendency to keep busy with everything except what’s on that list. Living in a state of urgency while pushing the most important tasks to the back of the line again and again is not our best reality. Yet, it’s where we find ourselves so much of the time. 

I don’t know about you, friend, but this battle leaves me tired and in need of a break. But how can we possibly hope to find rest when the battle is raging all around us? When we feel as if there’s no time to catch a breath, much less fully breathe? This, dear friend, is where a shift in our perspective becomes vital.

Power in Perspective

When I’m focused on all that I must do, I lose sight of the One who’s truly in charge. 

And when I place all the pressure to perform on my own shoulders, I am destined to fall under the weight of it all. 

This is why it’s important to remember the truth laid out in Psalm 24:1, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him.” (NLT) 

Everything in life belongs to the Lord, even those things occupying our to-do lists. Every plan we make, every plan imposed on us by someone else, by life’s circumstances, by God himself – every bit of it belongs to Him, as do we. 

When we take the time to press pause, we begin to see with clarity those areas of life where change is needed. 

Power in the Pause

I once thought of myself as a great multitasker. Now, not so much. When I consider all the things I should be doing, I envision a master juggler tossing one ball into the air, then another, until they’re all moving in perfect synchrony.  And then I see myself trapped in the chaos – balls flying and bouncing in every direction; no rhythm, no order, no hope of achieving any semblance of control. 

This scenario tends to show itself during the busiest seasons of life. It’s a hard battle to win, but it’s also one that forces us to reevaluate where we’re spending our time in comparison to what matters most in that season.

When we saturate our moments of contemplation with regular times of prayer, our next right step comes into view. We may find it necessary to release some tasks, while lessening our grip on others. And before we add any other tasks to what we’re already juggling, we’d do well to linger in prayer. 

Power in Prayer

When we’re actively seeking God’s strength and guidance with bowed heads and humble hearts, wisdom and discernment become our valuable companions. And when our strength comes from the Lord, we can’t help but experience His peace. 

David penned it well in Psalm 29:11, “The Lord gives his people strength; the Lord blesses his people with peace.” (CSB) 

What peace we find when God is our strength! Peace to close those doors at the end of the day, confident that the One who calls us to any given task is also the One who strengthens and equips us to do it. 


Friend, what is it that keeps you so busy, distracted, and weary? Are you holding on to something you need to cut loose for a season? Have you picked up something that isn’t yours to carry? Or could it be that you are simply in one of those busy seasons?

Whatever your situation, would you take a moment to consider your perspective? Could it be time to refocus on God’s sovereignty in your daily life? 

What about your pace? Are you stuck on that rollercoaster that never seems to let up? If so, where can you create moments of pause, and what scripture will you hold close as you reevaluate your busyness? 

How about your prayer life? When’s the last time you truly poured your heart out to God? Don’t delay, friend. He’s waiting to hear from you. 

Sheila Daniel