Love StoryMichelle Gott Kim

a Love Story – the Test – February 5

February 5, 2021

the Test

Genesis 22:7-8, ‘Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, “Father?” “Yes, my son?” Abraham replied. “The fire and wood are here,” Isaac said, “but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” Abraham answered, “God Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two of them went on together (NIV).’

It pained greatly the Master to bear witness to the internal struggle in His being’s soul. He had been walking with Abraham for a lifetime at least; He had had many magnificent things in mind for Abraham and so many had come to fruition. True, Abraham had faltered, and he had not trusted at times, and now Elohim (Master) remembered the original blueprint and the multitude of change orders required with Abraham’s stubbornness. He smiled; Abraham always came through; he always honored His God. He had been a good student and had passed many tests.
Now this one would be likely the most difficult task He had asked of him, but they had to go here; He had to know. He whispered, as if Abraham might hear Him, “I have much to leave you, Abraham, as your legacy; many descendants to adorn you as beads on a necklace, like sand on the seashore, too vast to count. But can I trust you? I have to know.” So He set about creating the test.

Adonai (Creator) saw the conflict in Abraham, the battle that raged in his heart, as he trudged up the mountainside toward the thicket. With every step, He watched as Abraham’s feet wavered and slowed. Adonai whispered into his being, “Right here. I will provide everything you need right here.”
A tear stumbled down His cheek as He heard the voice of the child, “Father?” he asked. He watched as Abraham turned away from the boy, fighting back the scream lodged in his throat, snuffing out the tears that threatened to come. He whispered to Abraham, a hundred billion emotions in His own soul, and He thought, it is painful to be obedient; it is painful to sacrifice; it is painful to be a son; but oh! how painful it is to be a father.

Suddenly, He paused as He heard Abraham reply to the boy as they together built the altar, “He is Jehovah Jireh; He will provide. Here, Isaac, load up the wood.” Wordlessly, the Master watched, transfixed. A guttural proclamation left Abraham’s lips as he bound the boy and laid him on the stone and wood and raised His knife high into the air. A hundred billion unspoken words passed between father and son, and the Master felt the emotion thick upon His own face as He opened His mouth to speak. This is a tear-jerker, He thought to Himself, and at once the picture became crystal clear: now, this is love! It was almost too real, and suddenly, Abraham’s voice returned, strong and steady, “Here I am.” A ram bounded out from the brush, and Abraham, lowering his knife and wrapping arms laden with emotion around his son, removed him from the altar. “He is Jehovah Jireh, son; the God Who provides.”
The Provider couldn’t stop thinking about it long after Abraham and Isaac made their way home. His gaze fell through time and space, and similarly, He watched as His only true Son would trudge a forlorn path overgrown with thistles and lies. The Provider squeezed His eyes shut, wishing He could hold hands to His own ears to block out the words from His Son. “Father,” He heard, “There is sin so great, mankind’s need so huge, the altar so empty. But, Father, where is the Lamb, the sacrifice?” A sob escaped the Father’s lips. It shouldn’t have had to be like this, but He knew what He had to do. “I am Jehovah Jireh, Son; I am the God Who provides.”

During the month of February,
come with me as we JOURNEY through
the greatest LOVE STORY ever written.