Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

August 25, 2020

Today’s hope finds us in the book of Esther chapters 9 and 10. We are reading the final chapters of the story of Esther becoming Queen and Mordecai becoming the top advisor to the King. Up to this point, we have read the story that Haman had plotted to kill the Jews, but Esther led her people in a fast and God used her to change the King’s heart and mind.

As we move into these final chapters we read how the Jews had been given permission to attack their enemies. Even though they did, the Jews did not keep any of the spoils from their enemies. I believe this was because they were only wanting to fight for freedom and not riches. After the destruction of their enemies, Queen Esther institutes the yearly Feast of Purim as a celebration of the liberation of the Jews.

Throughout the book of Esther, I noticed something interesting. The name of God is not mentioned. This only occurs in one other book, the Song of Solomon. Now some may think that because this book does not mention God that there is no instruction or truth to be found. On the contrary. It is because of that reason that we have a huge lesson from Esther. I believe it is more than just life getting busy for her and Mordecai. I believe that it was a mixture of many things. From life being busy to the culture that they were living in during this book. I also think that the emotional place they were in also played a part in the fact that God was not mentioned. However, just because He wasn’t mentioned doesn’t mean he wasn’t present. He was very much present and even seen in some of the actions and attitudes of Esther and Mordecai.

LadyBug keep hope that even when you do not mention His name in a day or two, you have not failed and He has not abandoned you. He will still hear you and provide for you because He knows your heart.

Let us be mindful to keep our hearts and actions godly even when our mouths fail to speak His name.

~Cyndi Kay

Esther chapters 9 and 10