Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

August 5, 2020

You know, we often think that we are the only ones who have experienced our mess. That my dear LadyBug is simply not true. However, I think you already knew that! But have you really stopped to understand that even in the Bible, there are people who have already experienced the same situations? When I am reading my Bible and I read about he Israelites in the wilderness or any other instance of people, I forget to realize that they are not doing anything better or worse than the people in today’s world. It seems that because they are in the Bible we think they were immune to drug use, alcoholism, sexual abuse, fighting, child abuse, or any other situation that we face today. Yet, in the middle of their mess, God still delivered them from bondage! How wonderful is that?
LadyBug, so many people before us had the same messy life that we do. They had the same imperfections that we face. BUT GOD, delivered them. If He loves them enough to deliver them from the bondage of Egypt then I know that He loves us enough to deliver us from the bondage of the chains that hold us to the world and it’s enticing social standards. I am so thankful that we have a Father who loves us so much that He made a way for us to walk away from our messy life and into the precious and joyful life of being His child. Even though we have to follow some instructions that He has asked, such as love those who hate you and forgive those who hurt you, still, life is better with Him.
LadyBug, do not be afraid of your mess. Let go of the shop vac and let God wash it away with His grace vac!
~Cyndi Kay
Genesis 4:1-8
1 Samuel 14:24-30
1 Kings 18:16-18
Psalm 78:10
Isaiah 3:8
Joshua 5:6