40 Days of Faith & FitnessFit for LifeLisa Vasseur Jarvis

Day 17 – Fit For Life

Good Morning!

️ It’s already Day 17! I’m so enjoying my time here in Destin with my family! It doesn’t get any better than this! The first day when we arrived, tropical storm Cristobal was blowing through. There were extremely high winds, rain and massive waves. The next day , our first day on the beach, it had stopped raining but it was still windy with rough surf. They had a double red flag posted at the beach , which means no getting in the water at all. We could still enjoy the beach , but as you can imagine, we really wanted to get in the water. We had a great day in spite of this. Finally, the restrictions were lifted and we could swim and play in the water all we wanted. Still, there were big waves. We could play and have fun all we wanted, but it was still dangerous to get out too far in the ocean because of the rip current. We still had to be very careful, even though we were free to go in the ocean. It made me think about this verse..1 Corinthians 10:23. It says,“I have the right to do anything, but not everything is beneficial.”
We could do whatever we wanted, but swimming out too far wouldn’t be wise at all.

I love the freedom found in that verse. But in this same verse we find boundaries. Everything is permissible. We can have or do anything. BUT not everything is beneficial. And that is where the work comes in and the boundaries are set up. Boundaries provide safety. We let our kids go outside to run and play, but not in the street. We are free to drive the open roads, but there are speed limits and lanes we need to stay in to keep safe.
Let’s think about that verse in terms of our health and how we take care of ourselves. When we are embarking on a healthy lifestyle, we need to figure out how our bodies respond to certain foods and types of exercise. All food is permissible, but I know that certain foods leave me feeling sluggish or causes me to have stomach aches. These foods are perfectly good, but not beneficial to me. I can eat junk food if I want, but I know if I do, I’m not going to feel my best and my body isn’t getting the best fuel possible. I’ll get that sugar “ brain fog” I get.

I don’t have to exercise, but slacking and spending too much time being sedentary,makes my energy level low and causes weight gain. I would lose endurance. So I have found I am at my best with daily exercise. Some exercise is more enjoyable to me than others. I have choices.
The process may take a little while, however, once you set out to live a more healthy lifestyle, you have to figure out what works best for you. Again.. you are unique and you have your own preferences and tastes. Once you start really paying attention to what your body responds best to and what types of exercise you enjoy, you’ll know what you need to do to honor your unique body. A healthy lifestyle is just that..a lifestyle. It has to be a way of life.. not a quick fix diet or fad. Think of the plethora of delicious, healthy foods God has given us to enjoy! Think of all the ways you can get moving to get exercise! Try new things! Join a new group fitness class! Try new healthy recipes! There is a world of freedom within the boundaries you know that are best for you. We have access to anything we want, but we want to operate within the safety of boundaries.

Don’t follow someone else’s restrictive diet because you think it should work for you. Most of the time they don’t work over time, because you can’t live that way forever! Figure out what is beneficial for you. And then honor that! Figure out the kinds of exercise you enjoy, and be faithful in doing them. This is your journey! This is your life!

Action Step 17
The grocery store is full of all different kinds of food and you can buy any of it. But I want you to try something. Next time you go to the grocery, try to shop mainly around the perimeter of the store and avoid those inner aisles where a lot of junk food is lurking. The perimeter of the store is where you have fresh produce, dairy, meats, and frozen foods. You’ll find most of the healthier options there.


️ Enjoy your day friends!