Cyndi Kay GreenJoy Mathis ChadwickToday's Hope

December 11, 2020

Written by Guest Writer, Joy Mathis Chadwick

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

When used as an adverb, the word “so” means “to such a great extent”. For example, she shopped SO much; the child was SO tired; the dog in my bed slept SO good last night; I complained SO much. I think we can all safely say that when we use “so”, we are trying to say that we pretty much exceeded our expectations or our limit. Personally speaking, I have already cooked SO much for the upcoming Christmas holidays that I will likely need an intervention when I go cold turkey on the sweets.

I love my hubby SO much. I love my kids and their families SO much. I love my grandson SO much. When you love someone “so much”, it sure feels like there could be no greater love. But there is.

It’s currently all over the news that this year on December 21st, we will get to see the Christmas star for the first time in over 800 years. (And I’m SO glad they are calling it a Christmas star vs. a holiday star.) Scientists and astronomers, I’m sure, have tried to explain away the first Christmas star, the one that shone over the baby Jesus in the manger in Bethlehem. But we serve a God who has no limitations and can speak things into existence; I’m sure that arranging a brightly shining star to guide the shepherds to the baby was not a great task for the Creator. I like to think that just maybe God knows that our country could use a bit of guidance right now; not that this guidance comes from the alignment of stars or planets, but maybe if we can focus just a little more intently on the real reason for the season, just maybe we will pause and remember God’s reason for this Christmas star.

God put that Christmas star in the dark night sky in Bethlehem 2000 years ago as part of His plan. God is always in even the tiniest of details . . . because He loves us SO much. Everything matters. He knew exactly how everything would play out when the shepherds and the wise men were following the star to find the baby. He knew that Mary and Joseph would have to eventually go into hiding to keep the baby from being killed by King Herod. He knew that Jesus would eventually, however, have to lay down His life on a cross. God knew all the horrible things that had to happen, the things that were required to happen, all because He loved us SO much. I can’t imagine giving up one of my sons; it is beyond my comprehension to think of giving up one of my sons to someone who hated him. Yet that’s what God did . . . because He loves us SO much. And all we have to do to receive this amazing gift of eternal life is believe.

I just got a phone call from an old friend that I hadn’t heard from in a couple of years. I hope she’s reading this; I hope she really understood how happy it made my heart to just sit and talk with her about our lives, about what makes us happy these days, about the troubles we’ve had along the way. And if she’s reading this, she will truly get my point because she loves the Lord SO much; my point is that if we get such pleasure from talking with an old friend, just imagine how very much that our Heavenly Father wants to hear from us too. He loves us SO much.

“Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.” Matthew 2:1-2 KJV