Healthy HolidaysLisa Vasseur Jarvis

Healthy Happy Holidays: Have a Purposeful and Peaceful Christmas

During the last couple of weeks, we have been talking about how to enjoy a healthy and happy holiday season. We discussed focusing on the main things during this time of year, and how to stick to your healthy eating and exercise goals. Today, I want to share some helpful tips and ideas on how to lessen and manage stress during the holidays. Sure, Thanksgiving and Christmas are absolutely some of the best times of the year. However, they can bring on stress as well. Even during a normal year, we can stress over family get-togethers, gift buying, decorating, cooking and finances. 2020 has brought on even more stress with the pandemic and all the guidelines. So, take a deep breath and let’s take a minute to explore a few ways we can navigate through the stress, relax and enjoy the holidays this year!

Philippians 4:6-7 says,”Do not worry about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” First and foremost, before we ever get started planning a thing for this Christmas, before we start making and checking off that gift list, let’s re-read this passage. It tells us to not worry about anything. And it is not just a suggestion! It is clearly telling us not to worry…about anything! This seems like an impossible thing to do. Can you imagine, not worrying about a thing! Well it can be done because God doesn’t tell us to do something that cannot be done! It says to pray instead of worry! Give it to God! Every little detail. Give it to Him! This is the foundation for a stress-free holiday. When we take every care to the Lord in prayer, the Word says that our minds and hearts will be guarded with Peace! I like the sound of that! Our minds and our hearts are literally guarded from stress when we intentionally take every thought and give them over to Him! So, don’t neglect your quiet times with God. Now more than ever, lean in on Him and rest in this truth. Don’t feel obligated to complete every small thing on your list. Focus on the main things you want to do or share with your family or friends and don’t be afraid to politely say no to things that will add too much to your plate. Be realistic, as well. Sometimes we can get an unrealistic expectation of the holidays and stress if things aren’t going exactly like we had imagined or how it went in years past. As they say, try to just roll with it. Sometimes the best memories happen that aren’t planned. Laugh and enjoy every moment with your loved ones…it’s really what matters anyway!

Stress can take a toll on your health, both physically and mentally. It can be especially hard on your immune system. Continue with healthy eating, drinking plenty of water, and your exercise routine. Try going to bed a little early in the evenings to get plenty of sleep. A little self-care is always good, but right now it is so important! Make time to get fresh air and maybe go for a walk. It is amazing what a short walk outside can do for your mood!

One of the biggest things that people stress about during Christmas is money. Sit down and create a budget, then stick to it. Don’t stress over how much to spend on gifts…it truly is the thought that matters. Focus on something that is thoughtful for the person you are buying for. It doesn’t need to cost much, but the person receiving the gift will realize the thought you put into the gift and that is priceless! Maybe decide together as a family not to go over a certain amount on gifts this year. This will be a stress reliever for everyone involved! One of our family’s traditions at Christmas is to play Christmas Bingo. Everyone brings small, inexpensive (and sometimes hilarious) gifts wrapped and we play Bingo until all the gifts are opened. It is a fun and inexpensive way to give gifts! The kids have always loved that family tradition! Focus on fun and time together! Keeping things simple will be a refreshing time for everyone! Keep your cooking and baking simple too! No need to work for days, stressing yourself out to where you can’t even enjoy the special day. Make a simple menu and delegate side items and desserts to your guests to bring. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or cut back on what you’ve done in years past if it just made you stressed out. Oh, and when you are with family, try to focus on discussions and conversations that will only bring happiness to everyone present. Many holiday gatherings have been tainted with unnecessary discussions about controversial things. Keep it light and full of love!

So, most importantly, focus on the Lord and give this holiday to him. Instead of worrying and stressing, just give it to Him. Stay healthy. Make a budget. Keep it simple. Memories happen when we aren’t planning them most of the time! Let’s relax and go into this Christmas season with an open heart full of love, being a blessing to others. In doing so, you too will be blessed and not stressed!

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