Daily DiscernHomeschoolMichelle Gott Kim

homeschooled By GOD – Lesson Eleven: the COMMISSION

Lessons Learned in the Classroom of Life

new YEAR, new YOU

January 26th, 2022

Psalm 40:1-3, ‘I waited and waited, and waited some more, for God. At last, He looked; finally, He listened. He lifted me out of the ditch (the slimy pit), pulled me from deep mud. He stood me on a solid rock to make sure I wouldn’t slip. He taught me how to sing the latest God-song, a praise-song to our God. More and more people are seeing this: they enter the mystery, abandoning themselves to God.’


Have you ever been commissioned to do something that someone else believed you had in you that you yourself did not think you had in you? Let’s unpack that.

We are humans and while we are made in Christ’s image, and we are to have the mind of Christ in us, we also have an enemy roving around on this earth intent on devouring us. So, we may have a job to do but we may have little belief in ourselves that we are able to complete the task set before us. Our task is great, but in many ways the task of the enemy is far greater, because he is to thwart God’s plan for His children—make us believe we are insufficient for the task before us—and that is for us to go…and to make…The enemy has already been overcome; he has been defeated, yet he still hasn’t received that memo.

So, Lord God met me in my own personal classroom with a new lesson, His lesson of commissioning. Truthfully, I wanted to answer, “I’m tired; I’m grieving; I’m weary. I can’t go…where do I go, let’s say if I go? Listen, I’m just trying to make it.” But it was so beautiful how He answered me even though I did not ask out loud; I just thought in my spirit.

He said, “You can go in your heart; you can act in your spirit. My requirement for you, my passion is that you would receive my passion. You would have your heart break apart for what has shattered mine and you would go where I lead and not stop short of where I pause and you would choose only to go where I lead. You would go wherever I take you and you wouldn’t stop short and you would show all people my love through your love.

I know the enemy wishes nothing more than to stop us dead in our tracks, but when you have been commissioned by God Almighty, what are you going to do? You go and you make, right? Go…everywhere; make believers…of anyone.  

Matthew 28:18-20 (MSG), ‘Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: “God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.”