DevotionalsKatrina PalisocShe, Herself & God

She, Herself & God

The Significant Role of the Samaritan Woman

The woman was surprised, for Jews refuse to have anything to do with Samaritans. She said to Jesus, You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan woman. Why are You asking me for a drink? Jesus replied, If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask Me, and I would give you living water.’” (John 4:9-10)

One of the challenges we face in our city today is the erratic water supply despite privatization of our local water district that used to promise accessible and adequate water for all. Thankfully though, we have our own well at home that has been around even before I was born and still provides clean and fresh water until this very day. So whenever we experience water interruption, we do have another option; and in an instant, our water problem is solved.

Interestingly, there was a woman in the Bible who had her own water problem and her well story because she was also known as the woman at the well whom Jesus had met when He came to the Samaritan village of Sychar. And it was at this well otherwise known as Jacob’s well where Christ taught the Samaritan woman about discipleship through what we know now as the water of life discourse. Basically, Jesus presented Himself as the Giver of living water and said that those who would drink the water He gave would never be thirsty again. It would become a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.

As it is written in the Scriptures, the Samaritan woman was surprised that a Jew decided to talk to her and even asked her for a drink despite her status. Then she found out during their conversation that the One she was talking to was the prophetic Christ and the Giver of the living water, which she longed to drink so that she would never be thirsty again. As a result, the Samaritan woman left her water jar beside Jacob’s well and ran back to their village to tell everyone the good news that she had met the Jewish Messiah.

As a woman of God, anyone of us can learn a lot of things from the story of the Samaritan woman at the well. Anyone of us can come to the Lord regardless of our races, our pasts, and our sins. Anyone of us can drink the water of life and not be thirsty again as long as we humbly ask the One who gives it. Anyone of us can be a preacher of the good news that our Redeemer lives and that only He offers eternal life. Anyone of us has an option to go to that well of salvation whenever we experience spiritual interruption so that in an instant, our water problem will be solved. Anyone of us can have our own story of redemption because the living water is accessible and adequate for all.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the significant role that the Samaritan woman played in the history of Christianity. She may be anonymous, but her impact is enormous because her encounter with Jesus at the well is a good example of discipleship that still applies to us until this very day. We praise You for the Giver of the living water because we have a hope that in Him, we will never be thirsty again. And we also have the blessed assurance that the water He offers will become a fresh, bubbling spring within us and give us eternal life. As a woman of God, we ask for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit so that we can be like the woman at the well and be a kingdom worker in our unique way. We may be unnamed just like her, but we want to make an impact through discipleship just like her. So please continue helping us, guiding us, and teaching us for Your glory. This is our prayer in the Name of the prophetic Christ, our Redeemer who lives, and the true disciple Maker. Amen.