Christian LivingYvette Urquhart


It is going to happen!  I just want to take a moment to encourage you, remind you and to speak life to that situation that you feel is dead. Whatever that thing is that you have been expecting, anticipating, hoping for, believing God for or dreaming about; it is going to happen.  I know that it may appear as if it is never going to happen.  It may look hopeless and helpless.  I understand that it has been days, weeks, months and even years and you still have not seen any signs of “it” yet. 

     Waiting for “it” to happen can be extremely frustrating.  The time between receiving the word, the revelation, the promise and the manifestation of it can be trying.  This in-between time leaves the door open for discouragement, doubt and fear to creep in and try to rob you of any hope that “it” will happen.  That is just a trick of the enemy to try to frustrate your focus and to divert your attention and cause you to miss out on what God has for you.  People will tell you to forget about it and to throw in the towel.  They will try to convince you to give up and tell you that if it hasn’t happened by now, then it will never happen.  You must not entertain any of this negativity.  You must be confident in the fact that “it” is going to happen!

     You can’t focus on what it looks like with the natural eye.  You must know that if God gave you a word, if He made you a promise; then it shall happen.  God is not a man that He should lie, Numbers 23:19.  If God said it, He will do it, He will provide, He will perform it in His own time.  What I need you to do in the meantime is to continue to believe, trust God, never give up hope, anticipate, expect and dare to dream.  Don’t give up on your promise.  You may be closer to “it” then you think.  Pray, praise, put your faith in overdrive, exercise patience and just wait.  Don’t allow anything or anyone to cause you to miss out because IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN!

Written by:

Yvette Urquhart

Empowerment Speaker, Author & Transformation Coach