Daily DiscernMichelle Gott KimPrescribing Proverbs

Prescribing Proverbs – RX Nineteen – August 19th

August 19, 2021

A Proverb a day keeps Untruth away

Proverbs 1:1-6, ‘These are the wise sayings of Solomon, David’s son, Israel’s king—written down so we’ll know how to live well and right, to understand what life means and where it’s going; a manual for living, for learning what’s right and just and fair; to teach the inexperienced the ropes and give our young people a grasp on reality. There’s something here also for seasoned men and women, still a thing or two for the experienced to learn—fresh wisdom to probe and penetrate, the rhymes and reasons of wise men and women.’ (MSG)

Prescription (RX) Nineteen: Bite Your Tongue

Proverbs 19:11, ‘An understanding person demonstrates patience, for mercy means holding your tongue. When you are insulted, be quick to forgive and forget it, for you are virtuous when you overlook an offense.’ (TPT)

I had a fallout with someone really important to me, several someones. I never saw it coming. Those who knew us never saw it coming either. It has been several years now, and everyday still I think about it, and it remains unchanged. Although it is no longer like a freshly painted house because the paint has dried, it still feels and looks wet on the inside. I don’t know if the pain and the confusion will ever diminish even though I have accepted the new roles and borders that now exist; I don’t think I will ever understand or get over it. I have learned that there is a place you can find yourself that will never feel like normal again and there is an ‘I’m sorry’ that doesn’t fix everything and forgiveness that sometimes is never given.

There are words that can never be taken back and things I can never unhear. There are so many things I want to say. I want to defend myself; I want to fight for myself; I want so badly to be understood. I want to make up for mistakes and choices I made. I want to point out why. I want opportunities to be given a second chance. Oh, how I wish I could do all of it over again, differently. But I also am learning there are things that need to be left unsaid, and even if others don’t offer second chances and forgiveness, God does. He assures me, especially on the tough days, He sees me and He understands and He tells me there is no need to defend myself because He already has. He wants me, and maybe you too, to rest in His compassion, to understand that He is oh, so close to the brokenhearted.

I also know with all my heart that the Lord will use in my life a goodness He intends even if the enemy has meant harm and destruction. Perhaps this side of heaven the relationships will never be reconciled, but I trust the Lord is up to something inside of me. The testimony that is being written out of this heartache and loss will help someone else in a similar situation someday. I just know He will use my story for His glory and someone else’s good. I know this because when I can’t see His face, I can trust His heart. Even though the pain is unbearable, the rejection diminutive, the damage devastating, I know I am in the center of His will and favor, and His hand rests upon the small of my understanding and insecurity. As He teaches me His faithfulness in my inability to fix this on my own, He is schooling me about the value of trust, the fruitfulness that comes from obedience and letting go, and the blessing of waiting solely upon Him.

Beautiful You, perhaps you have lost someone too and you don’t understand why. Maybe your find yourself in the maze where I am floundering too, and maybe you just needed to hear today, you are not alone. He is right there with you, and when everyone else has walked away, you can be certain, He is as close as your shadow. The Lord is not like us; His ways are higher than ours; His thoughts so far beyond ours. He does not give up too soon, or at all, like others do. Not on you and not on me. His forgiveness and His tenacity is inexplicable and never compromised. With Him in your life, you will never go without.

I encourage you to do your own study of Proverbs as well as follow along with me! How it works: take a Proverb a day (there are 31, so perfect for the month of August) and read the chapter that corresponds with the day. Then stop on a verse that grips your attention. Focus on the verse(s) for the day as it is highly possible the Holy Spirit is speaking to you through what He helped you unearth. It’s almost like a Treasure Hunt! I will share with you this month Golden Nuggets the Holy Spirit leads me to, and I would love to have you share with me what He reveals to you in your mining excavation also!

One thought on “Prescribing Proverbs – RX Nineteen – August 19th

  • Hi Michelle,

    I love the Book of Proverbs and all the nuggets of wisdom found within its page. Thank you for sharing so openly. Reading your post reminded me of the hurt I caused someone years ago. I apologized, but she can’t or won’t accept my apology. I pray the day comes when she finally let’s go of the unforgiveness that’s in her heart towards me, and become totally free. With God all things are possible!

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