Goodness & Grace DevotionalKerry S. Teravskis


Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. 1 Kings 19:3 (NIV)

Ever started running and couldn’t stop? Are you running now or wanting to run but just can’t? Are you afraid or terrified of others and their opinions? How about running from something that God has called you to and it has you scared half to death?

These describe Elijah. But he has more to his story. He saw the mighty power of God. Maybe you have too. He saw Baal’s altar not only become the biggest BBQ ever, but that very altar was drenched in water. God’s consuming fire devoured it.

Elijah stood up when no one else did. He was on fire for God. There had been a drought. Elijah prayed. It rained. He prayed earnestly because the drought was 3 and 1/2 years long (James 5:17-18). People were beginning to really suffer.

He prayed; God moved.

Elijah ran because he became afraid – of Jezebel. Yes, she was evil. But God is bigger, more powerful and His name is Strength. Elijah allowed himself to be consumed with fear instead of consumed with God.

His running took him to a cave. And God asked the obvious, “What are you doing here?” Imagine the stammer or silence of Elijah. God did not reprimand him, He demonstrated His power – not only in the earthquake, wind, fire but in the still small whisper. Elijah did not have to shake in his boots about this massive power display because the very mountain shook instead.

It’s at this point, God tells him to go back the way he came.

(You can read more of Elijah in I Kings 19, from which this part of his story is located.)

Am I the only one that God is saying this to – of going back the way I came? I know what I was called to, and yet I get distracted, fearful, full of doubts, busy, or I listen to the criticism of others. (Think of Jezebel for Elijah. She wanted his hide.)

Be silent before the LORD, all humanity, for He is springing into action from His holy dwelling. Zechariah 2:13

God calls and He is with us. He is springing into action on our behalf. Our job? Being silent in His Presence. Easy to say; so hard to do.

I’m tired of running and am ready to be still before God. I want to see God move on my behalf – whether it’s fire from heaven or the still small voice. How about you?

Father God, You are such a holy, faithful God. So mighty and powerful. Forgive me for running. You have called me, therefore You will and do spring into action on my behalf. You do answer prayer – You sent the rain after Elijah prayed. You do hear. You care enough about me to find me in the cave and not only demonstrate Your power for this audience of one, but You speak to me in a whisper. May I listen, tremble and obey. Out my deep love for You and in the name of Jesus I pray. AMEN.