Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

September 19, 2020

In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth. Genesis 1:1 (New Living Translation)


This may be a simple scripture, but there is so much more in this first sentence of the Bible. Though we have read it many times and we have heard it preached a million, we can still find something here that is just waiting to be understood. Creation in itself is truly incredible. How God made something so grand with so many intricate details is just astonishing. Yet, the most marvelous thing is the power that God has to just create. He speaks it and it is done! He breathes into it and it comes to life! How incredible is the notion that we have this same power because of the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit? When you think about the power of God and how He designed everything about the world, the universe and you, it is humbling to think that He would allow us to partake in this through the Holy Spirit.

Let us rest in the knowledge of His power to create and love beyond the depths of our understanding.