Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

November 16, 2020

“But I with a voice of thanksgiving will sacrifice to you; what I have vowed I will pay. Salvation belongs to the LORD!” Jonah 2:9 (ESV)
What a perfect time to come across this nugget! A time of thanksgiving and gratitude! With our voices we will sing the praise of thanksgiving, not just during this time of year, but always. Every day because of those promises that He has kept. Every day because we are in awe of His graciousness!
Along with the praises of thanksgiving, we will do as we say. If we say we will go, then we will go! If we say we will stand still, then we will stand still! All of this is just a part of the salvation that we were given when Jesus said, “not my will but yours.” How can we not lift our voices high and loud in praises and thanksgiving?
LadyBug are you ready to sing a song of sacrifice and thanksgiving? Are you ready to sing of the gracious salvation that was given to us as a most precious gift? I am!
Let us do as we say and sing with thanksgiving. That will be our sacrifice as a thank you for the salvation!

Much Love,
~Cyndi Kay